Not bad at all, I just think if your track is going to be close to 6 minutes it should have some varience and variety.
Not bad at all, I just think if your track is going to be close to 6 minutes it should have some varience and variety.
yeah youre definitely right, im just not used to making songs that have this much in them (if that makes sense) because i tried a style of music that is generally more intense when i make calmer music
Actually a really nice track. Sad you won't finish it, but you should be proud of what you do have here.
I feel like you would largly benefit from changing up sequences every now and then, the same drum and bass line for 2 minutes is a bit to much.
I'm gonna try different stuff in my future songs, thanks for the feedback!
I don't really know what to make of this or your other track. I don't quite think they're AI generated due to the repetitiveness, but I really don't underestand the journey people make to produce music exclusively for a game like Geometry-dash only for the music to feel uninspired.
Sonically this is an okay track, but I would absolutely remove the Hi-cut filter sweeps.
Yo, thanks for your feedback. I'm a complete beginner in FL studio, just started creating stuff this week so yeah, I'm REEEEEALLY in the beginning as a producer. I mostly use serum to create the sounds btw. And no, they are not AI generated at all, I have the project with me.
It's not bad, kind of just needs to be fillede out much much more. There are repeative gaps followed by straight empty gaps.
Also the panning is really one sided to the point of discomfort in some sections.
Nice work either way, keep it up.
I just feel like there could be more variety, in both the sounds and textures used as well as melodies. There's really just one growl you stick with throughout the whole track and it seemingly repeats itself throughout the entire piece.
yeah haha it was my first time trying the genre so i didn't (and still don't) know exactly what i was doing, but yeah i can say that was intentional though as i wanted to keep mostly the same sounds but different arrangement all around, ofc it could've been more interesting but that is why i invite you to check out the second neuro song i've made which was right after this at , i tried to fix everything i could about this song in that one basically
Would really work on the mixing and compression. The bass end here is way to overpowering and makes the whole track sound like it's a fraction away from hard clipping ay any moment.
Not bad, but could use some variation. It seems like every instrument outside of the Melodies are just playing the same chords, nothing really changes up ever.
That's a good point, I usually struggle with making things repetitive. Thanks!
Could for sure use some better mixing and variation.
I don't know what FnaF music is supposed to sound like, so I don't know how to really review this. But as an actual piece of music it sounds really over compressed, there's really no mixing and the dynamics are way off. It's not hard to listen to by any means, but it could have certainly used a few more passes.
Just curious, what do you mean by dynamics. I'm not really familiar with too much terms.
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Composer // Artist
I went to Art School
Joined on 8/27/22